From a simple tenant lock-out to a medical, fire, or police emergency, a building occupant will be able to walk to any Emergency Exit on any floor, in any Stair-Tower in the building, or to any strategically placed ECS with confidence that help is available at the other end of the Failsafe Communication System. The person would locate the nearest ECS, lift the handset and operate the "call" handle on the unit. The operator on duty at the MCC, SCC and / or PCC will be audibly and visually notified of the call. By depressing the "push-to-operate" button on the respective handsets, the operator and person "on-the-scene" can speak with each other. The operator on duty would then follow established procedures for dealing with the particular type of emergency situation.
We invite you to call us at (954) 429-1110 to discuss your voice communication needs.
If you prefer, you may contact us through our online form.